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It's Time!, an object theatre show for young children and families, at the Abq. Museum of Art on Saturday, May 6, at 10:30 and 11:30 am.

Floppo, a puppet show for families, on Saturday, May 13 at 11:00 at Casa San Ysidro in Corrales, New Mexico.



Schpountz and the Others playing at q-Staff Theater!
Double Puppet Bill at q-Staff, Thursday, July 28,2016, at 8:00 pm!!

Our new show, Schpountz and the Others, plus “Honey-A Story of Bees”, a multi-layered shadow puppet show including stop motion animation, song, and honey! Toured by Rae Anna Hample. More at

q-Staff Theatre is at 400 Broadway Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102.
Doors open at 7:30. Cash only or in advance at Winnings Coffee. General $10, students & seniors $5

To Feel Is In Question
Will be performed in:
Taos at the TCA on Thursday, March 31, at 5:00 pm in the Encore Gallery,
Santa Fe at the New Mexico Museum of Art at noon in St. Francis Auditorium

Please visit www.isabellekessler.com for more information

Schpountz and the Others
now playing for children ages nine and above (and adults) at:
Cochiti Elementary, ABQ, March 11 and 18
Rudolfo Anaya Elementary, ABQ, March 21
Taylor Ranch Library, Saturday, March 26, 2:00 pm

Scheduling inquiries at:

To Feel is in Question
March 11, 2015

Mesalands Community College
Tucumcari, NM

Mesalands Community College websitego...

To Feel is in Question
Saturday, February 28, 2015

San Juan College, Farmington, New Mexico

San Juan College websitego...


To Feel is in Question
2pm, Friday, February 20, 2015

OASIS Albuquerque
3301 Menaul Blvd NE, Suite 18

OASIS websitego...

To Feel is in Question
February 10, 2015

Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico
Student Union Building

Highlands University websitego...

To Feel is in Question
January 22, 2015
Open Space Visitor Center
located at 6500 Coors NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Adult performance, open to the public

Open Space Visitor Centergo...

Natalia and special guest
December 6, 2014
Shop and Stroll
La Montanita Co-op Nob Hill
Albuquerque, New Mexico

School Performances
December 1-5, 2014
In Residence
Lincoln Elementary
Gallup, New Mexico

Floppo and the Art of Being a Spectator
November 26, 2014
Taylor Ranch Library
Albuquerque, New Mexico

To Feel is in Question
6pm, November 20, 2014
Tortuga Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Tortuga Gallery websitego...

Floppo and the Art of Being a Spectator
November 12-13, 2014
Isleta Pueblo Elementary School, New Mexico

School Performance
November 4-5, 2014
Vaughn Elementary School, in residence
Vaughn, New Mexico

October 25, 2014
La Montanita Co-op Westside Birthday Celebration, Albuquerque, New Mexico

October 20, 2014
To’hajiilee Community School, New Mexico

October 16, 2014
Albuquerque Museum, Third Thursday performance, Albuquerque, New Mexico

September 28, 2014
San Ysidro Harvest Festival, Corrales, New Mexico

September 27
Barelas Community Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico


"It's Time" is a performance for the very young!

"Floppo" will play at Erna Ferguson Library (3700 San Mateo N.E.) in Albuquerque on Thursday, April 24, 2014, at 10:15 am in honor of Dia de los Ninos.

Please call us at 505-344-2186 for more details on performances!

Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator
March 3,4 & 5, 2014
East Las Vegas Schools, New Mexico

It's Time! Art of Being a Spectator
It's Time! Art of Being a Spectator for YDI Head Starts
(Llano Quemado, Vadito, San Cristobal and Questa)
February 18, 19 & 20, 2014
Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, New Mexico

Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator
January 27 & 28, 2014
Emerson Elementary, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator
January 13 & 14, 2014
Governor Bent Elementary, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Cochiti Elementary School, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday, December 2,3,5 & 6, 2013
Sunset View Elementary, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Billy Goat Ballad
"Billy Goat Ballad" - Puppets and theatre for children ages 9+ and families.
Friday & Saturday, November 22 & 23, 2013
The Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, New Mexico

Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator
Monday & Tuesday, November 18 & 19, 2013
Rudolfo Anaya Elementary, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Jefferson Middle School, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Arroyo del Oso Elementary, Albuquerque, NM

"Floppo" puppet show, performing and roaming at Renaissance Faire, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Saturday & Sunday, November 2 & 3, 2013
Info 575-523-6403

Renaissance Artsfairego...

Art of Being a Spectator
Isabelle Kessler: "Art of Being a Spectator"
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Premieres in Berlin, Germany, at Die Schaubude Puppet & Object Theatre

Die Schaubude Puppet & Object Theatrego...

Floppo + Art of Being a Spectator
Art of Being a Spectator presentations (Floppo with workshop)
August 26, 2013
for Edward Gonzales Elementary School, Albuquerque
(not open to the public)

It's Time!
Three performances of "It's Time"
Wednesday and Thursday, July 17 & 18, 2013
for Springstone Montessori, Albuquerque
(not open to the public)

Springstone Montessori websitego...

Floppo + Art of Being a Spectator
Floppo puppet show with the Art of Being a Spectator Discussion
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
6-7:00 pm
Albuquerque Balloon Museum
Recommended for families and children 5 and up!

Albuquerque Balloon Museum websitego...

Floppo + Art of Being a Spectator
Floppo show with Art of Being a Spectator workshop
June 27, 2013
at OFFCenter for YDI, Albuquerque
(not open to the public)

OFFCenter websitego...

Friday, June 14, 2013, 2:00pm
Floppo - Puppet Theatre at San Pedro Library

5600 Trumbull SE
Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque Library Websitego...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 3:30pm
Floppo - Puppet Theatre at East Mountain Library

1 Old Tijeras Rd
Tijeras, NM

Albuquerque Library Websitego...

It's Time!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 10:30am
It's Time - Object Theatre at North Valley Library

7704-B 2nd ST NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107

Albuquerque Library Websitego...

It's Time!
Monday, June 10, 2013, 3:30pm
It's Time - Object Theatre at Alamosa Library

6900 Gonzales SW
Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque Library Websitego...

Saturday, June 08, 2013, 3:30pm
Floppo - Puppet Theatre at Los Griegos Library

1000 Griegos Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque Library Websitego...

Saturday, June 8, 2013, 10:30am

Floppo - Puppet Theatre at Cherry Hills Library

6901 Barstow NE
Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque Public Library websitego...

It's Time!
Thursday, June 6, 2013, 10:30am

It's Time - Object Theatre performance at the Main Library

501 Copper Ave NW
Downtown Albuquerque

Albuquerque Public Library websitego...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 3:30pm

Floppo performance at the South Broadway Library

1025 Broadway SE
Albuquerque, NM

Albuquerque Public Library websitego...

Floppo - Puppet Theatre
Saturday, May 18, 2013, at 11:00 am and 1:00 pm

Two "Floppo" performances at Casa San Isidro in Corrales for their Heritage Day

Casa San Ysidro websitego...

It's Time!
May 6, 2013, 12:40 and 2pm
"It's Time!" will be at MacArthur Elementary School in Albuquerque.


April 26, 2013 at 10:15am

Floppo puppet show for Dia de los Ninos
at Alamosa Library

Alamosa Library websitego...

My Island for a Boat & Floppo
"My Island for a Boat" and "Floppo" will be performed with discussions on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 12 and 13, at 9:30 and 1:00 pm at Flickinger Center for Performing Arts, Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Flickinger Center for Performing Arts website go...

Floppo & My Island for a Boat
Performances of "Floppo" and "My Island for a Boat" on Thursday and Friday, March 7 & 8, 2013 at Cottonwood School in Socorro, New Mexico.

My Island for a Boat
Feb 21, 2013, 2pm and 7:30pm
"My Island for a Boat" will be at the Mesalands Community College in Tucumcari, NM.

This is an Art of Being a Spectator Project, funded by the McCune Foundation and New Mexico Arts.


January 25 and 26, 2013

The Harwood Museum of Art in Taos, New Mexico.

"Floppo" school performances on Friday, Jan 25, 2013. Public performance and discussion on Saturday, January 26, 2013.

We are delighted to report that grant funding by New Mexico Arts and The McCune Foundation are partially responsible for making this event available to the Taos community.


It's Time!
Jan 12, 2013, 10am
"It's Time!" will be at Albuquerque Open Space Visitors Center at 6500 Coors Blvd NW.

The show is free to the public but please call to reserve seating: (505)897-8831.

Open Space Visitor Center Websitego...


"String," an object theatre and dance show performed by Mary Margaret Moore and created and directed by Isabelle Kessler, will be performed on December 27 & 30, 2012, in Seattle.

These shows are a co-presentation with ROCKiT Community Arts, taking place at the Beacon Hill Garden House, 2336 15th Ave. S.

Dec 15th, 2012, 1-1:30pm
"Floppo" will be performed at La Montanita Co-op in Santa Fe

La Montanita Coop Websitego...

December 1, 2012 at 4:30pm
during the Nobb Hill Shop and Stroll
"Natalia" will be performed at the Nob Hill Co-op in Albuquerque

Nob Hill Shop and Strollgo...

It's Time!
November 14, 2012, 12:40 and 2 pm
"It's Time!" will be at the Rio Rancho Public Library
755 Loma Colorado Drive NE, Rio Rancho, NM

Rio Rancho Library Websitego...

October 22-26, 2012

YDI Head Start series of Object Theatre Performances
Funded by the Henry Fund for the Performing Arts, through the Albuquerque Community Foundation.

The Art of Being a Spectator
October 10, 2012 through February, 2013

"The Art of Being a Spectator Project" for grades 3-5. Forty performances of "Floppo" with workshops exploring what it actively means to be a spectator of live performance. At Albuquerque Public Schools.

Funded by Urban Enhancement Trust Fund of the City of Albuquerque

It's Time!
November 14, 2012

Object Theatre performance for young children and families at Rio Rancho Library.

Rio Rancho Library Websitego...


It's Time!
September 28 - October 4, 2012

It's Time! at die Schaubude Puppet Theatre, Festival Theater 2+, Berlin, Germany

Workshop & Performances
June 2012
Workshop & Performances (details to be announced)
Utah Arts Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah

Utah Arts Festivalgo...


"It's Time"
February 21-28, 2012
2 shows per day of "It's Time" for CDC Headstart
National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico


"It's Time"
February 13-17, 2012
"It's Time" for Evenstart children
at the National Hispanic Cultural Center
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Insomnia in Tucumcari, New Mexico
Insomnia will be performed at Mesalands Community College, on Thursday, February 9, at 2:30 and
8:00 pm. Call 505-344-2186 or 575-461-4413 for info.

Montana Performing Arts Conference - MPAC
It's Time, for young children and families, performed by Isabelle Kessler, has been chosen to showcase at the the Montana Performing Arts Conference in Fort Benton, Montana. Presenters from Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington and Utah frequent the event.


January 21 & 22, 2012
"Insomnia" will be performed as part of Tricklock's Revolutions International Theatre Festival
At the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Wells Fargo Auditorium
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Tricklock Companygo...


Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Two performances of "Insomnia" at Truth or Consequences High School, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico


Thursday, December 1, 2011, 5-7pm
Performance of "Natalia" at La Montanita Coop in Nob Hill
for the Nob Hill Shop & Stroll
Albuquerque, New Mexico

La Montanita Coopgo...

Nob Hill Shop and Stroll
Natalia and Dot return for the traditional holiday visit at La Montanita in Nob Hill, beginning at 5:30 pm


"It's Time"
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Performances in Ruth's Artist Workshop of "It's Time"
at Ruth's Studio, for kindergarten classes from TorC Elementary School.
Show times are 8:45am, 10:00am, and 1:00pm

A performance of "It's Time" for the public will take place at Ruth's studio on Friday, at 6:00pm. Costs are covered by a grant from McCune, but seating is limited.

Please call us at 505-344-2186 for info

in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico


"It's Time"
Monday-Friday, October 24-28, 2011
10 performances of "It's Time" at the Wool Warehouse for YDI Headstart
2 shows each day: morning, afternoon
Albuquerque, New Mexico



left top: Natalia
right top: Floppo
"Natalia" and "Floppo"
September 24, 2011
"Natalia" at 12:30pm
"Floppo" at 2:00pm
Harvest Festival at Casa San Ysidro
part of the
Corrales Village Harvest Festival
Corrales, NM

Casa San Ysidrogo...


"It's Time"
Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 9:30 and 10:20am: "It's Time"
SIPI Head Start and Early Head Start
Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute, Albuquerque, NM


"It's Time"
July 16, 2011, 10:30am: "It's Time" at the Juan Tabo Library in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque Libraries Websitego...


"It's Time"
July 15, 2011, 10:30am: "It's Time" at Los Griegos Library in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque Libraries Websitego...


"It's Time"
July 13, 2011, 2pm: "It's Time" at the Erna Fergusson Library in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque Libraries Websitego...


"It's Time"
July 13, 2011, 10:30am: "It's Time" at the North Valley Library, Albuquerque.
Albuquerque Libraries Websitego...


July 8, 2011, 10:30am: "Floppo" at the Tony Hillerman Library in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque Libraries Websitego...


June 22, 2011, 3:30pm: "Floppo" performed at the South Valley Library.
Albuquerque Libraries Websitego...


June 22, 2011, 10:30am: "Floppo" performed at the South Broadway Public Library in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque Libraries Websitego...

Summer Library Performances
Seven Loren Kahn Puppet and Object Theatre performances at libraries around Albuquerque during the summer!


March, April, and May, 2011 - Loren Kahn Puppet & Object Theatre present twenty performances of their newest production, "Insomnia: A Dark & Stormy Night..." to fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students around Albuquerque. Stay tuned for a public show coming this fall!

"It's Time"
March 28-30, 2011: "It's Time", "Floppo", "Peek-a-Boo" and other performances for children and families at Alamo and Magdalena, New Mexico.


"It's Time"
March 26, 2011: "It's Time" performed at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in conjunction with the 2011 Women & Creativity program. Two shows at the NHCC's Salon Ortega: 11am and 1pm.
Women & Creativity websitego...


"It's Time"
Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 9:30am: Family show of "It's Time" at the Balloon Museum in Albuquerque.
Albuquerque Balloon Museumgo...

"It's Time"
January 18-21, 2011: 10 performances of "It's Time" for Headstart and Evenstart children at National Hispanic Cultural Center.

Santa Fe Co-op Performance
December 14, 2010: Performance at La Montanita Co-op in Santa Fe for their Winter Festival.
Santa Fe Coop go...

Nob Hill Shop and Stroll
December 2, 2010: performances at La Montanita Co-op for Nob Hill Shop and Stroll
La Montanita Co-opgo...

"It's Time"
November 29-December 3, 2010: 10 performances of "It's Time" for Evenstart children at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.

October 23, 2010: "Peek-a-Boo" performed for a private birthday party.

"It's Time"
October 22, 2010: "It's Time" performances at San Felipe Pueblo for their Headstart program.


October 17, 2010: "Natalia" (1:30pm) at the Jewish Community Center in Albuquerque, 5520 Wyoming Blvd NE, (505)332-0565.


"It's Time"
October 17, 2010: "It's Time" (10:30am) at the Jewish Community Center in Albuquerque, 5520 Wyoming Blvd NE, (505)332-0565.

"It's Time"
October 12-15, 2010: 10 performances of "It's Time" for the YDI Headstart children.


September 25: "Floppo" at the Corrales Harvest Festival at 11am & 1:30pm

"It's Time"
August 9 - 12, 2010: "It's Time" at Springstone Montessori Carmel and Paradise Schools.


"It's Time"
July 30, 2010, 8am: "It's Time" at the Santa Fe Children's Museum for their Toddler Hour.
Santa Fe Childrens Museumgo...


"It's Time"
June 14, 2010, 10:30am: "It's Time" at Explora for their toddler hour.
Exploras web sitego...

"It's Time"
June 12, 2010: "It's Time" at UNM Children's Hospital.

June 3, 2010: "Natalia" for Kids Living Through Cancer.

"It's Time"
June 1, 2010: "It's Time" for PB & J Family Services.

"It's Time"
May 25, 2010: "It's Time" at the North Valley Library.

"It's Time"
May 15, 2010: "It's Time" at UNM Children's Hospital.

"Billy Goat Ballad" and "Floppo"
May 13, 2010: "Billy Goat Ballad" and "Floppo" at Jemez Pueblo Day School


"It's Time" at the Outpost
May 8, 2010, 10am & 3pm: "It’s Time," an object theatre performance for ages 1-3. At the Outpost Performance Space, 210 Yale SE. Free for kids ages 1-3. $5 for Kids 4+. $10 Adults. $20 Maximum per family.

More info: Outpost 505-268-0044.

Isabelle Kessler stars as a character, dressed all in gray, arriving in her workshop. In this quiet gray nest, color is born, feather by feather. A yellow feather: the sunrise? A blue feather: storm of blue sky? Story fragments create a bird, then an egg -- what color will it be? Simplicity and tranquility are explored in this performance, which was created for the age when each moment is a discovery and magic is in the emotions.

"It's Time"
May 4, 2010: "It's Time" for Cuidando Los Niños.

"It's Time"
May 3, 2010: "It's Time" for Mas Mamas, a PB&J Family Services program.

April 30, 2010: "Floppo" at Albuquerque Main Library, Albuquerque, NM

April 22, 2010: "Floppo" at Santa Fe Co-op, Santa Fe, NM
La Montanita Coop Earth Day in Santa Fego...

April 21, 2010: "Floppo" at Alamosa Public Library, Albuquerque, NM


April 10, 2010: "Floppo" at La Montanita Co-op Garden Party, North Valley location, Albuquerque, NM
La Montanita Coop Garden Partygo...

"It's Time"
March 6, 2010: "It's Time" at Harwood Art Center, Albuquerque, NM

"It's Time"
January 2, 2010: "It's Time" at Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, NM


Billy Goat Ballad
In 2009, "Billy Goat Ballad" was toured to Tucumcari, Grady, Socorro, Mountainair, Taos, Alamo, Isleta, Magdalena, To’hajiilee, and other New Mexico communities.

"Billy Goat Ballad"
December 13 & 14, 2009: "Billy Goat Ballad" at TCA, Taos, NM

"Billy Goat Ballad"
December 6 & 8, 2009: "Billy Goat Ballad" at Open Space Visitor Center, Albuquerque, NM

December 3, 2009: "Natalia" at La Montanita Co-op, Nob Hill, Albuquerque, NM

November 18, 2009: "Peek-a-boo!" at Loma Colorado Main Library, Rio Rancho, NM

June 13, 2009: "Floppo" for Children Living Through Cancer

June 6: "Floppo" at NMAS Picnic, 12:30 p.m.

May 16, 2009: "Floppo" at 6029 Isleta SW, Food and Agriculture Festival in ABQ's South Valley, 2:00 p.m.

May 13: "Floppo" at Acoma Elementary, Albuquerque, NM

"Floppo," "Peek-a-boo!" and "Billy Goat Ballad"
May 5-6: "Floppo," "Peek-a-boo!" and "Billy Goat Ballad" at MacArthur Elementary, Albuquerque, NM

April 30-May 1: "Floppo" at Chaparral Elementary, Albuquerque, New Mexico

"Billy Goat Ballad"
April 28: "Billy Goat Ballad" at Dennis Chavez Elementary School, Albuquerque, New Mexico

April 22: "Floppo" at La Montanita Co-op, Santa Fe, New Mexico location

April 21: "Peek-a-boo!" at Family Co-op. Albuquerque, New Mexico

April 16-17: "Peek-a-boo!" at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, for Even Starts and CDC Head Starts

April 4, 2009: "Floppo" at La Montanita Co-op, Albuquerque Valley location, 10:45 a.m.

March 19, 2009: "Peek-a-boo!" at Peanut Butter and Jelly Pre-school in Bernalillo, NM

March 6 & 7, 2009: "Peek-a-boo!" at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM.


In 2008, Peek-a-boo! was performed in English, Spanish, French, German and engaged in

Germany: Berlin, Bonn, Postdam, Frankfurt, Dreieich, Hamm...
Austria: Mistelbach...
Canada: Montreal, Calgary, Mississauga, Saskatoon...
France: Saint Jean de Muzols, Chomerac, Annonay,Strasbourg, Paris, Angers, Lyon, Angouleme, Marseille...
Spain: Madrid, Leganes, Navalcarnero...
USA: Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Chicago, San Francisco...

Internationales Objeckttheaterfestival: Theater der Dingue (Berlin)
Puppentheater Fest (Berlin)
Puppentheater Festival (Bonn)
Stärkest Stücke ( Frankfurt)
Internationale Puppentheater Tage (Mistelbach)
Les Giboulees de la Marionnette (Strasbourg)
Acta 95 (Paris)
Puppetropolis (Chicago)
Border Book Festival (Las Cruces)
International Children's Festival (Calgary)
2.Internationales Theaterfestival Hellwach (Hamm, Lippstadt, Schwerte...)
International Children's Festival of Saskatoon (Saskatchewan)
Festival Teatralia (Madrid, Spain)
International Children's Festival (Mississauga)
L’Enfance de l’Art ( Saint Julien en Genevoie, France)


Billy Goat Ballad
In 2006, “Billy Boat Ballad” was toured to Shiprock, Artesia, Roswell, Ruidoso, Raton, Abiquiu, Dixon, Truchas, El Rito, Las Cruces, Silver City, and other New Mexico locations.

February 10, 2006
"Peek-a-boo!" in Saint Julien en Genevois
Peek-a-boo! will travel to the festival in Saint Julien en Genevois, France, for five performances, on February 10, 11 and 12. A bientot!

September 9, 2005
"What a Choice!" at WAA in September
The Western Arts Alliance had its annual booking conference in Albuquerque from September 6-10. We showcased "What a Choice!" and were pleased to have had a good turnout!

July 13, 2005
Rio Rancho Library!
A summer library performance at the Rio Rancho Library of Lost and Found Stories, 10:15 am. Outside, in the shade! Hope to see you there.

June 1, 2005
Peek-a-boo! in Saskatchewan
Northern Saskatchewan International Children's Festival presents Peek-a-boo! June 1-4 in Saskatoon!!!

April 9, 2005
Corrales Library April 9th
The Bag Show visits the friendly Corrales Library at 10:30
on Saturday, April 9th.

February 25, 2005
Peek-a-boo! in Madrid, Spain
We travel with Peek-a-boo! to Spain: Teatralia, IX Festival de las Artes Escenicas para Ninos, in Madrid, with performances from February 25 - March 11!

February 9, 2005
Lost and Found Stories
Lost and Found Stories tours Albuquerque public elementary schools! thanks to the Albuquerque Community Foundation: Eugene Field February 9, Kit Carson February 11, Navajo April 8th, Los Padillas April 11. More to come. Keep you posted. See you there.

November 19, 2004
What a Choice! at the Outpost
Two performances of What a Choice! at the Outpost Performance Space in Albuquerque, New Mexico, one for high school students during the day and a second for the public in the evening. Performances funded by City of Albuquerque Urban Enhancement Trust Fund.

November 2, 2004
Peek-a-boo! in Germany
Peek-a-boo! returns to Germany, in Berlin from November 2-4 and to Hamm on November 8-9.

October 26, 2004
St. Johns, Arizona
From October 26-28, The Loren Kahn Puppet and Object Theatre returns to St. Johns, Arizona, with performances of Peek-a-boo!, Lost and Found Stories, The Bag Show, The Picnic and Natalia.

August 6, 2004
Peek-a-boo! at Cochiti Pueblo Elementary
Peek-a-boo! will play for very young children and adults at Cochiti Pueblo Elementary Kindercamp!

June 1, 2004
International Children's Festival of Mississauga, June 1-5
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

May 25, 2004
Calgary International Children's Festival, May 25-29
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

March 31, 2004
Theatre de l'Aventure, Ile de France
Peek-a boo !

Thème : Jeune public

Par Isabelle Kessler et Loren Kahn. Théâtre d'objets de 1 à 4 ans.

Du 31/03/2004 au 01/04/2004
Horaires : Le 31 mars à 10h30 et 15h, le 1er avril à 10h30.
Prochaine date :31/03/2004
Adresse : 1 rue Gambetta
Lieu : Théâtre de l'Aventure
CP : 95120
Ville : ERMONT
Téléphone : 01 34 44 03 80
Fax : 01 34 44 03 89
Departement : Val d'Oise
Organisme:Ermont sur Scènes

March 27, 2004
ACTA Festival, March 27, 30, 31, April 1-3
Paris, France

March 22, 2004
Les Giboulees de la Marionnette, March 22-24
Strasbourg, France

March 13, 2004
Puppentheatre Festival, March 13 and 14
Bonn, Germany.

March 9, 2004
Silver City, New Mexico

March 6, 2004
Peek-A-Boo! in California
Peek-A-Boo! Little Moments of Life
Loren Kahn Puppet Theater
What’s in the bag? Squeals of delight and anticipation from your infant and preschooler resound as Key discovers the whole range of human emotions in bags, boots and other odd objects. Help your babies discover the wonder of theater!

Event: Peek-A-Boo! Little Moments of Life
Location: Discovery Theatre
Dates: Saturday & Sunday, March 6 & 7
Performances: 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Fees: $7 for members, $9 for non-members.
Information: http://www.baykidsmuseum.org, (415) 339-3900

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Website and Contents Copyright ©2001 - 2025 Loren Kahn and Isabelle Kessler, Albuquerque, NM, USA. All rights reserved.

Website by: 1uffakind.com

Some photography by: living proof