


2020-2025! Shows and Installations over and on the fence of the the Griegos Lateral Acequia
Lots of people were outside in 2020, avoiding indoor gatherings. So, during the spring and part of the summer of 2020, we began performing scenes of puppet and object theatre for families who were walking along the Griegos Lateral Irrigation Ditch. In order to create a frame, we mounted different kinds of theatre sets on the fence or hanging in the trees. We performed on one side of the ditch, with the audience on the opposite side, maintaining distance and health safety.
The creation of this kind of theatre set inspired us to make new kind of installation, which we prepared throughout the fall and then mounted on the fence of the Griegos Lateral Ditch at the end of 2020.
In January, 2021, we began to present the PandorArt Box, a new piece of art offered daily, accompanied by a thought about being a spectator and the necessity of art in our lives. When our bounty of art was exhausted, after 82 consecutive days of presentation, we began to look for a new idea.
In the meantime, we had a few shows in Mountainair, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center and some private engagements.
At the beginning of 2022, we presented the next installation on the ditch: You Have Mail, a multiple mailbox,"Cosmology," with a new thought daily about our place in the cosmos, nature and world. Every day a new little miniature set, with a postcard we had collected, was proposed to ditch walkers. Spectators also sent us mail in a mailbox installed for that purpose. A conversation began.
In, 2023, the installation project, The Others On the Pondering Desk, was, once again, about humanity, but with another angle. Imagine great thinkers delivering daily thoughts to "you." Letters in your mailbox from Einstein, Baldwin, Ercrich, Arendt, Camus, Atwood, Montaigne .. with B.B.'s grain of salt. We hope you came by! (on the fence of the Griegos Lateral, just north of Griegos and east of Guadalupe Trail.)
We held a raffle fundraiser, Time Out on the Land, to support the creation of a new show,"Bubble," which was performed at the end of last season in 2024. It interwove feelings, philosophy and art. Add to that a zest of humor, a dollop of self-derision, then shake well. Et Voila!
In 2024 "Morals Monument Wilderness Map" What to do when you are lost in your own social landscape? B.B.'s "happily ever after bubble" had burst. In trouble, she was in search of milestones like respect, honor, kindness, equity, altruism, empathy, dignity, truth...
In 2025, it's time to Navigate Together! It is important in this moment of cultural and political disarray, to remind ourselves that the country was not invaded by space aliens and that the same people are still living here, that we are not enemies, but members of the same population. It is fundamental that we keep discussing the pillars of our community, like justice, laws, equity, courage, altruism, rights, even the simple fact of "being," which is not so simple. Ask Hamlet about it. The installation will be up on December 21, 2024 and continue to January 19, 2025, when it will conclude with a show/discussion on January 18 and 19 at 3:00 pm.
There's a raffle too! which supports our work. One person will win a show for her/himself and friends OR for a community of their choice! Winning ticket will be drawn at midnight on January 19, 2025.
Here's the link:
Please also visit FPOT.org, our umbrella organization, for more details about the project.
Thank you!


Schpountz and the Others
A new puppet show for 4th and 5th grades
The play was conceived like a riddle, without language, and is about differences and feelings. Can we identify the feelings of others? Do we have the same feelings for the same reasons? The show plays on the fine line between sympathy, empathy and compassion.
A puppet and object show in seven scenes, during which Schpountz will nearly die of a giggle crisis, wander in the kingdom of boredom, reach the frontier of self-pity, be caught in a fit of anger and so on. Who are the others and what if you were one of them?
"The puppet show really focused on objects in a new way-- it went beyond size, shape and quantity and asked the audience to think about the meaning-- which again engaged students in critical thinking skills and conversations. We now have even more ways to encourage the students to think deeply about each element they see and hear, be it a puppet show, novel, portrait, or other authentic problem solving situation. I absolutely loved the show!" Fifth grade teacher, Janet Kahn School of Integrated Arts

More about Schpountz!
"Two weeks after the show, I spoke with one of my kids, who might be considered a tough nut...he stated that he enjoyed it and would watch another show if he was given a chance to. That says a lot!
Thanks so much for your hard work!" Rebecca Vesely, Principal/Education Program Administrator, (Acting), Pueblo of Isleta Elementary School
"It was amazing to see how all the students interpreting the show, although there was no words. I also liked how engaged my students were the entire time. Thank you!
Joanna Garcia, 4th Grade Teacher, Rudolfo Anaya Elementary


BOOKING now through the fall semester:
Office: 505.344.2186 Cell: 505.980-6684

Friends of Puppet & Object Theatre, established in May, 2004, is the non-profit 501(c)(3) arm of Loren Kahn Puppet & Object Theatre.
The Loren Kahn Puppet & Object Theatre has been funded by the City of Albuquerque's Urban Enhancement Trust Fund, McCune Charitable Foundation, the Albuquerque Community Foundation, New Mexico Arts, Bernalillo County, FUNd of the Albuquerque Community Foundation, Vintage Albuquerque, Henry Fund for Performing Arts and Maggie’s Giving Circle.

January 11, 2025
2023 and 2024-2025!
Please visit Friends of Puppet & Object Theatre, FPOT.org, our umbrella organization, to read about and...

January 11, 2025
Upcoming Shows!
For the fifth year in a row! from December 21,2024 - January 19, 2025, we will set up an installation....

August 14, 2012
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